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Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

What is Netiquette ??

Netiquette refers to the good manners we use when communicating online.

For online discussion netiquette:

1. Think of your comments as printed in the newspaper... your online comments will be seen, heard and remembered by others in this class. Before you make an emotional,

outrageous, or sarcastic remark on-line, think about whether or not you would care if it

was seen in your local newspaper.

2. Don't be overcome by your emotions. Take a few breaths and step away from yourcomputer if need be.

3. Avoid self-centered comments. If you have a great idea, great. If you want to contribute to an ongoing discussion, terrific. But, don't just tell others about your problems ("I'm frustrated", "My audio doesn't work today") unless it contributes in someway to the class.

4. Avoid negativity. You can disagree. You should disagree. You can challenge ideas and the course content, but avoid becoming negative online. It will impact you negatively, hinder the class discussion, and may give the wrong impression of you to others.

5. There is no need to be aggressive online. No flaming, all caps, or !!!!, or ????

6. Be polite, understate rather than overstate your point, and use positive language.Using bold, frank, overstated language conveys an emotional aggressiveness that hinders your message.

7. Disagree politely. When you disagree politely, you stimulate and encourage great discussion. You also maintain positive relationships with others with whom you may disagree on a certain point.

8. Don't disrupt. Online dialogue is like conversation. If there is a dialogue or trainof thought going on, join in, add to it, but, if you have something entirely different to bring up, wait or post it in another thread.

9. Don't use acronyms that not everyone would understand and know.

Sumber : http://www.slu.edu
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